Tellico Overland Adventure Destination (T.O.A.D.)
September 27-29

I had the opportunity to attend the first edition of an adventure rally / weekend built for riders of Harley Davidson’s big V Twin for dirt, the Pan-American.

Hosted by Shawn Wells and his team from White Lightning Harley-Davidson in Chattanooga, the first TRAIL JAM attracted more than 30 riders from Orlando to Ontario.

It also attracted rain, as much if not more than any rally I can remember, thanks to Hurricane Helene which arrived as a sub-tropical depression. We were quite lucky, other than losing power the rally site was spared while communities not far to the east were devastated.

If you’re going to rally in the rain, T.O.A.D. is a great spot to set up base camp for a few days. Over the last few years site improvements have replaced rental tents with a pavilion on a concrete pad, a command center and new for this fall, the infamous shower bus is gone and has been replaced by a proper shower house.

Shawn was kind enough to bring me a demo PA to ride for the weekend. I was looking forward to the chance to really get to know the Pan America. I had taken a demo ride at Dirt Daze so I was not completely unfamiliar with the bike and I was looking forward to some riding.

My whip for the weekend,

It started raining on Wednesday evening and continued just about non-stop through Friday morning. With a promising forecast we decided to go for a ride after lunch.

I normally run fast and far from a large group ride but I was looking forward to some time on the PA with some of the folks I had met the day before. It was a big group but everyone could ride and we had a great start with our first destination being a scenic spot on a mountain top.

Chuck Lambert Photo

At our next stop after the mountain top my friend Chuck Lambert realized his GPS (Garmin Zumo XT) had some off the mount. We figured it had to be on the road to the photo site as it was somewhat choppy in spots. Chuck decided to go back for a look and I suggested four eyes were better than two and I went with him. We were unable to find the GPS, and Chuck’s loss turned into my gain as we realized we’d never catch the group so it was myself and a great guy, great rider and true local wizard with the trails off for a ride for two. I got to see some sights and bond with the bike.

There’s a water crossing upstream a bit we decided to take a pass on.

I was asked what I thought of the Pan America and I would have to qualify my answer with two undeniable facts. First I am a BMW guy as much as a Harley guy is a Harley guy. I love the boxer. Second, I am getting older and I look at my GS as a street bike I can ride on dirt roads and mellow jeep trails; If I want to go “big bike hard” I’m on a KTM 890. With this in mind there’s no way I’d find it practical to spend the money on a PA, but if this bike had come along 20 years ago there’s a good chance I would have come home to Harley.

With this said I do like the PA very much. We call them motorcycles because it’s all about the motor. I love twins and the big V-Twin, which in this bike is the Revolution MAX, pumps out 150hp and 95 ft-lbs of torque. It’s a beast and I love this motor. The bike it’s in is also very nice and for the Motor Company’s first go at a big Adventure Bike is a home run. My only gripes are the high center of gravity and the first generation electronics, stopping to engage “purple mode” ( hard core woods config) is so 2019 but will likely be addressed via a software update. The high center of gravity is the bleating of a rider who is much closer to racing in the “senior vet” group than against the target market for a bike like this..

After a great afternoon of riding Chuck and I returned to the rally site for happy hour and dinner. The Tellico Overland Adventure Destination is also the home of March Moto Madness, aka the mother rally. The Trail Jam was an opportunity to give the new shower house a good test which it passed with flying colors. The feedback from March Moto Madness mentioned the food service and quality of the food to be issues that had to be addressed; the Trail Jam was also an opportunity for a local caterer to demonstrate what they can do and can do they did. Both nights were fantastic dinners, some of the best I’ve ever had at a rally, plus for the first time there will be two food lines so the time in line will be cut in half.

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

Saturday morning arrived without rain which was a welcome relief from the last few days. The forecast was solid with mostly sunny skies with a few intermittent showers as the last of Hurricane Helene moved north.

Over the last few years the GS GIANTS have been improving the area behind the party barn and creating a fantastic big bike trials course and “proving grounds” where riders compete and attempt various tests of skill. The competition was fierce with a three way tie for first place that was broken with a slow race. I was very impressed with the top riders and I think it would be a great show to see GS and PA riders go head to head on this course.

Young, fit and highly skilled.

Saturday night we enjoyed another fantastic meal, a band and big bonfire. It was a great way to cap off a wonderful weekend. Yes it rained a lot which kept riding down a bit but once in a while if you have the right people to hang out with a rally in the rain can be a heck of a good time. Plus as a first edition of what I am sure will be an ongoing success we all get to say “We were here for the first PAN AMERICAN TRAIL JAM and a Hurricane too!

Thanks again to Shawn Wells for the special invitation, the demo bike and for being an all around great guy and to Mick Fouts and Rebecca Johnson, owners of the Tellico Overland Adventure Destination and great hosts and all the riders who showed up to ride their PA’s in the muddy slop we call the woods.

I had a fantastic weekend.